The Primary Care landscape has changed so much since the beginning of 2020, but hopefully with the vaccination news, we can all start to see some light at the end of a very long tunnel.
The Primary care landscape has changed so much since the beginning of the year, but hopefully with the vaccination news, we can all start to see some light at the end of a very long tunnel. As a result of the Pandemic, GP Practices haven’t been in a position to see as many patients as they typically would on a day to day, week to week and month to month basis. Face to face consultations have been replaced with virtualised appointments and as a result of that, blood pressure reviews, asthma reviews and others may have been placed on hold.
We are hoping that in the not too distant future, life as we knew it almost 12 months ago, may start to return to some form of normality. What will this look like for General Practice? Will patients start flowing back to the practices like they did before? Or will the new ‘normal’ be a virtual consultation using other means of transmitting data back to the surgery? When patients are allowed through the doors again, will they flock back in their droves how will the backlog of reviews be managed? Will these be face to face, or would the patients rather use a device to answer clinical questionnaires and take their own blood pressure? If this was to be the case, our SurgeryPod solution can do just that.
Based on usage of 300 tests taken per month using our solution, we estimate that GP practices could save £9,100 per annum on GP or nursing costs. This also allows these valuable appointment blocks to be free for other conditions.
SurgeryPod enables a wealth of different tests and questionnaires, it can be customised to suit the needs of the practice and directly integrates with the practice patient administration systems, including SystmOne, EMIS, and Vision. The SurgeryPod sends all the data collected during a patient’s session to the PAS in real-time, it read codes the data into the patient’s record and can proactively flag problematic readings via email to relevant staff.
Key benefits:
Please get in touch to see how our solution can help revolutionise your practice.